Tentative Agreement Reached at Kaiser!

Our 83,000-member Union Coalition just reached a Tentative Agreement with Kaiser Permanente on a four-year contract that wins on all our bargaining goals and restores a true Labor Management Partnership.Our Four-Year Tentative Agreement:

  1. Protects good, middle class jobs with . . .
    • Strong across-the-board raises of 3% a year
    • Protected healthcare benefits — including fully-paid family coverage and $5 copays for office visits and $3 mail-order and first-time prescription copays
    • Protected retirement benefits — no changes to our pensions or retiree medical coverage
    • No two-tier wage or benefits for new hires — all future Kaiser workers get the same wage rates and benefits as us
  2. Strongly protects against outsourcing of our jobs — including all EVS, call center, billing, pharmacy, and lab positions.
  3. Builds the workforce of the future with increased funding for our Education Fund in the Northwest to a quarter million dollars to educate and train us for career advancement!
  4. Waives the work experience requirement for any of us seeking promotion to a new position at Kaiser.

Our Tentative Agreement includes many other huge wins for our families and our patients.ratification 


Kaiser Healthcare Workers Vote to Approve New Contract


Elected officials stand in solidarity with Kaiser workers