Statement from President Meg Niemi on Our Union's Support for #BlackLivesMatter

Our Union has adopted the recent resolution that SEIU has made for the Movement for Black Lives. Read the full text of the resolution here.meg_blm_v2"This is a moment where we must lead with unequivocal principle. We must divest from and demilitarize the police and invest in and build Black communities, not demonize and criminalize them. We believe that corporations must be held accountable for investing in our communities. We affirm the call for a dialogue to reimagine the role of police and the criminal justice system. We believe that all workers, including police, should be able to join together in Unions; Unions are a powerful tool for progressive reform but should never be used as a shield by police against abusive practices and behaviors. SEIU stands in solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives and supports its demands for racial and economic justice. We value and will amplify the voices of Black leadership."-Meg Niemi, President, SEIU Local 49


SEIU Local 49 wishes a joyful and powerful Juneteenth to all!


Justice for Janitors Day: 30th Anniversary