Kaiser SEIU Members Plan Candlelight Vigil to Honor Healthcare Heroes

kaiser-candlelight-vigil-squareOn Thursday, December 10 from 5-6pm, Kaiser SEIU members are holding candlelight vigils at three locations to honor the frontline healthcare workers who have risked their lives to provide compassionate care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, all Kaiser Coalition Unions will hold two minutes of silence at noon on December 10 to honor those fallen in our Kaiser family. Wherever you are, stop and observe this time in remembrance of our colleagues.As healthcare workers, we know we’re taking on additional risks to our own health to make sure our patients receive quality, compassionate care during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has meant building closures and increased patient loads that have impacted how we work and our ability to achieve the goals for our Performance Sharing Program (PSP) bonus. We are calling on management to treat our Performance Sharing Program (PSP) Bonus as a Hero Bonus and commit to pay the full amount of at least 3% of payroll for every member of the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions. It’s time for Kaiser to honor frontline essential workers for our flexibility and dedication to do whatever it takes to continue to provide quality care to our communities in the face of this pandemic.Click here for details and to RSVP for the action nearest you.These actions will be silent observances to honor our frontline heroes; masks and social distancing will be required.  


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