ACT NOW to renew our COVID sick leave at Kaiser Permanente!

rick-picHundreds of SEIU members sent Kaiser CEO Greg Adams an email last week asking him to take immediate action to reinstate the COVID leave policy, strengthen our mask policy, and agree to pay our PSP bonus no matter what. But as our extended COVID benefits expire, management seems unwilling to renew the benefit that we demanded.For the sake of our community’s safety, we need to keep up the pressure and keep emailing.The 80 hours of COVID sick leave--above and beyond regularly accrued leave--was a critical measure that protected our coworkers, patients, and our entire community from unnecessary exposure to this virus. The policy allowed us to quarantine safely without taking on additional financial burdens.In Oregon and SW Washington, COVID cases are skyrocketing. It’s more important than ever that Kaiser stand by its values and continue protecting frontline employees and patients.We are still in a crisis, and it’s getting worse before it gets better. Now is not the time to roll back protections. If you haven’t already, email Greg Adams today. If you already sent an email, make sure everyone you work with has also taken action. No one is going to do this for us. We have to keep putting on the pressure until management does the right thing.We still have a lot to fight for, including adequate PPE, hazard pay, and more. We won’t get what we need unless we raise our voices.


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